Terms, Conditions, and Limits of Liability

  •  We, ours, our services, our platforms mean JMC.
  •  You/Yours/Passenger is intended for anyone who has a confirmed booking on the airline and has a service booking with us.
  • Booking travel means a confirmed booking on the airline’s website.
  • Booking the service request means booking the service request on our sites.
  • The place and time of receipt or /delivery/location of the service/means the place and time you specify while booking our services.
  • Airline companies which we have contracts to provide our services with.
  • Please spend a few minutes reading these terms carefully before using our site and services, and if you accept these terms and conditions, we are pleased to join our membership so that we can serve you.
  • These terms and conditions apply to all uses of the company’s websites and applications and using our services and/or platforms means that you agree to comply with these terms, and these terms and conditions are the terms of the contract between us and you to provide services.
  • If any of these conditions are not applicable, the other conditions will remain applicable and will not change.

Check-in service:

  • To check you in to issue the boarding pass and baggage tags and receive them (on behalf of the airline) from the right location for you and deliver luggage to the airport to put them on the proper place for the flight.

Home delivery service:

  • To claim luggage from the airport (on behalf of the passenger) and deliver it to the right location for you.

Booking and Cancellation of Services

  • Reservations and conditions for the provision of our services contained in this document (including applicable definitions) together specify the terms and conditions of the contract between you and us, which we will provide the services of check-in service or home delivery service to the passenger named in the travel booking added in the service order booking registered whether through the JMC website or the application.
  • Registration of membership on the website or in the application is a prerequisite in the booking procedures.
  • Reservations are requested through the application or the website.
  • Confirmation of bookings is subject to the availability of service.
  • Read and approve of all booking terms and conditions.
  • Completion of procedures relating to the payment mechanism of services are prerequisites for confirmation of the booking.
  •  The baggage delivery service is confirmed after uploading a clear and updated photo of identity on domestic flights or a passport photo for international flights.
  • The passenger acknowledges the validity of the membership registration information and the validity of all personal information added in the booking of the service application, and by completing the booking procedures with us, you agree to use your personal information as detailed in the Privacy Policy, under which it is included in the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy.
  • The booking will be a period of time during which your service is expected depending on the appropriate period for you.
  • Booking times may change (advance or delay) after coordination with you.
  • Our services are provided within the cities indicated on our website (www.jed-sa.com) and JMC’s application.
  • The passenger or representative has the right to request a waiting booking for service in the case of unavailable booking possibility (the request will be dealt with a priority booking).
  • The passenger or his representative will be contacted as soon as the waiting booking is confirmed, to pay for the service to get the confirmation.
  • The passenger or his representative has the right to adjust the service time (depends on the possibility) at least 5 hours prior to the basic time.
  • The passenger or his representative has the right to modify the location of the services or the quantity of luggage before 3 hours of the booking time after the settlement of the value of service cost.

Cancellation with service refund

The cost of the services is refunded in the following cases:

  • If the passenger or his representative decides to cancel the booking 3 hours before the booking service time.
  • If the JMC cancelled the booking due to compulsive or extra-willed conditions, the passenger or his representative will be notified before the time of booking the service.

Cancellation without refund

The value of the services is not refunded in the following cases:

  • JMC has the right to cancel the booking without refunding the service when the passenger or his representative fails to meet his responsibilities upon arrival of the travel services representative at the registered location of the service booking and it turns out that:
  • The passenger or his representative is not present at the place and time of claiming or delivery   after a 15-minutes of waiting or the address is wrong or incorrect.
  • If the transport of luggage affects safety (property of the company, airline and other passenger property).
  • The numbers of pieces, weights or sizes are different from what the airline allows, and rejection to pay for excess weight.
  • The traveler’s travel reservation is not confirmed.
  • Failed to bring the traveler or his representative passports or documents required and   valid to finish the procedures.
  • The passenger or his representative present incorrect or illegal travel documents.
  • Do not bring the passenger, his representative the credit card used to purchase the tickets and the identity of the credit card owner to match before the start of the proceedings.
  • When the passenger or his representative cancelled the reservation of services after receiving the baggage, the passenger will bear to all procedures for that.
  • JMC has the right to refuse the reservation of services with notice in channels of communication and to settle the value of services in accordance with the policies established.
  • JMC has the right to reject or cancel bookings/accounts/ freeze them in the event of the existence of bad use of services from persons or third parties.
  • The prices indicated on JMC means the service price for a specific point, for a certain number of luggage and for a certain date and does not include any other fees.
  • When requesting the service, the value of Value Added Tax (VAT) and the value of insurance are calculated.
  • The total value of the service/services during booking and in the invoice is detailed.
  • All service rates and fees are changeable without notice.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT) is added to the service price and will be registered separately in the tax box.
  • The required services and VAT are paid through the application or website using a Mada card or credit card, knowing that all data used to pay is encrypted under the SSL Protocol.
  • Refund or settlement is processed within 5 business days.
  • Payments are refunded only through the same original payment method.

Determining Responsibilities

We guarantee you:

  • We offer the highest standards of service quality and resource development.
  • Credibility in dealing with and retaining privacy and confidentiality rights.
  • Respect and commitment.
  • We apply the highest standards of security and safety.

Check-in Service

  • It is the service of issuing the boarding pass to individuals and groups, also issuing and receiving luggage cards (on behalf of the airline) and deliver it from the residence to the airport to put it on the right carousel for the flight.

To provide the service the passenger is therefore obliged:

  • Provide the identity of all passengers travelling (to be served) on domestic flights.
  • Providing passports on international flights in addition to the required documents, whether visas, certificates or health passports, and other requirements of the laws, regulations and orders of the local authorities and the countries concerned.   
  • Provide the credit card used and the identity of the owner in case of the purchase of tickets with the credit card for matching.
  • JMC has the right to refuse the service of those who do not comply with the restrictions and obligations of issuing the boarding pass and the policy of cancelling the reservation of services will be applied without refunding the service cost.


  • The passenger alone shall bear all the penalties for entering incorrect or inaccurate information and data (intentionally or unintentionally) by booking (whether booking a travel or booking service request) in accordance with the regulations of Saudi Arabia and the regulations of the countries concerned (whether a final destination or transit).
  • Some countries require photographs of entry requirements to be retained and if the passenger refuses to comply with these requirements and to completes the required documents, we have the right to refuse to check-in.
  • The responsibility to obtain the necessary travel documents such as (visa and travel requirements for countries traveling or transit destination) is the passenger’s responsibility.
  • If you are denied entry to any country because of your non-compliance with the terms and conditions, regulations, laws and orders, entry or exit requirements of any country, because of the failure to provide valid documents or because of the invalidity of documents or in the event that your travel documents are destroyed during the flight, you will be responsible of all losses, legal costs, fines, penalties or fees placed by the relevant authorities.
  • Bring all luggage to the service representative at the service site.
  • Put identification cards on your luggage.
  • Baggage closure.
  • Comply with the number of baggage and free weight allowed by the airline and for more information click here.
  • Pay excess weight (if any) in one of the following ways: Through airline channels in advance and before the arrival of the customer service representative click here or by direct payment to the customer service representative and through Mada card.
  • Sign and consent if there are any damages or notes on the limited release tag (LRT).
  • JMC has the right to refuse to check-in in the event of non-compliance with baggage admission restrictions and the policy of cancelling services will be applied without refund.
  • Signature with consent and answering all security questions (next mentioned in 4.5.1).

Compliance with the terms and rules of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), and General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) for services provided is mandatory in order to prevent the endangerment of persons and property   and to maintain public safety, and we JMC applies all special requirements in our services, and prohibits all airlines from carrying the following materials:

  • Firearms, ammo, swords, and knives.    Explosives/incendiary/flammable/toxic/compressed gases.
  • All liquid and gels such as gel, toothpaste, liquid cosmetics, and perfumes within the preview luggage.
  • Cigarette lighters are not allowed to be carried in all luggage.
  • Jewelry, cash, and official documents.
  • All the devices that contain lithium batteries.
  • Foods, food, and beverages of all kinds.
  • Prohibited items from being transported under laws, regulations or orders are valid for any countries from which they are flying to or from.
  • Materials that airlines consider inappropriate for transport, due to their dangers, unsafe, weight, size, shape, nature, or because they are breakable or damageable.
  • Closure of travel baggage is the customer’s responsibility.
  • Compressed gases (heavily refrigerated, flammable, non-flammable and toxic).
  • Fragile and damaged materials.

The security questions are one of the mandatory conditions placed by the mentioned local and international organizations, which the traveler must answer and consent:

  • Is this your luggage?
  • Did you close it by yourself?
  • Are you sure of its contents?
  • Have you left your luggage unaccompanied and/or in an isolated place at any given time?

In the event of security notes on the baggage received, they are dealt according to the regulations established by the airport authority and according to the specialty.

  • Our services do not include the transportation or shipment of animal packages.
  • Electric chairs need security procedures and precautions to contain the battery, so our services do not include the transfer of electric chairs.

Home Delivery Service

  • Upload a clear and updated photo of identity on domestic flights.
  • Upload a clear and up-to-date passport photo on international flights.
  • Download a picture of luggage showing the shape and color.
  • Download a picture of the luggage card.

The passenger’s declaration of customs disclosure if there is a warrant to disclose it in the baggage to the Customs Authority at the first arrival destination of Saudi Arabia, and therefore confirmation of the declaration:

  • There are no prohibited or restricted materials with all the responsibilities if there.
  • If necessary, you must be present when your luggage is inspected by the  airport’s authority departments (customs, security, passports and relevant departments) and we will not be responsible for any damage or loss to you or your luggage duringthe inspection or as a result of your absence.
  • The expected baggage delivery time is a maximum of 3 hours from the arrival of the flight and within 45 km within the city.
  • The expected baggage delivery time is a maximum of 6 hours from the arrival of the flight and within a distance of more than 45 to 150 km outside the city.
  • Bring identification/passport of the traveler for matching upon receiving the luggage
  • By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you authorize us to receive your baggage from the baggage carousel and subjected to customs inspection or any airport authority.
  • The passenger shall bear all the penalties for entering incorrect or inaccurate information and data (intentionally or unintentionally) in JMC’s application or website, according to the regulations in Saudi Arabia.
  • JMC’s team is honored to serve you, but if you are not at the place and time of delivery and after waiting for 15 minutes, the cancellation policy will be implemented as the following:
  • Passenger is responsible for receiving luggage from our storage, and if he wants to re-deliver it, he or she will be charged for the baggage re-delivery service.
  • In case of non-claim, a storage floor will be charged for each day amount of 100 riyals for each piece.
  • The right to claim baggage, which has exceeded in storage period of 3 days, is dropped and JMC has the right to destroy it.


JMC is proud to serve airline’s guests with all related to travel procedures (receiving and delivering passenger baggage) in order to enhance confidence between the customer and JMC   and to have your luggage under our eyes (God willing) from claiming until dropping and to make the possibility of loss or damage a non-existent possibility, we provide the following guarantees:

  • Our team are Saudi qualified hands to provide services.
  • Latest digital and cloud systems in travel services and the aviation industry.
  • Vehicles are equipped with the latest digital surveillance systems (CCTV).
  • Baggage packaging with protective cover in service.
  • Sort the luggage with serial numbers.
  • Insurance coverage including poor handling.
  • Check-in services (starting after baggage received from the customer and ending when placed on the airport flight luggage carousel) note that luggage is photographed when received and when placed on the flight luggage carousel.
  • With arrival services (starting after claiming baggage from the flight luggage carousel and ending upon receive of baggage by customer) the baggage is photographed upon claiming from the luggage carousel, and JMC is not responsible for Custom preventing from entering any luggage.
  • JMC’s responsibility is limited to apparent damage only to the baggage claimed, and there will be no liability for any indirect damage or damage caused by the damage.
  • JMC is not responsible for the contents of luggage (money, gold, jewelry, …..etc) and official document (passport, identity, …..etc)
  • JMC is not responsible for the damage done to luggage in any way in the following cases:
  • Damaged or perishable baggage received by the service representative with a limited release tag (LRT) signed by the customer.
  • Luggage containing hazardous materials that conflict with regulations.
  • Damaged luggage due to a third party.
  • Comply with all restrictions and obligations for services.
  • Compliance with the time limit for baggage complaints.
  • All compensation cases are applied according to the policy of regulations and responsibilities.
  • 24 hours after the check-in service served.
  • 24 hours after luggage claimed at the home delivery service

Communication Channels

  • Our address is 4542 Al-Sharafiya Neighborhood 7859 Medina Road Unified Number 920012650.
  • E-mail: support@jed-sa.com
  • Website:  www.jed-sa.com
  •  Social media channels.

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